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Art credit: Pieta by Michelangelo; all other photographs copyrighted by Elizabeth Giger
When our bleeding feet have apparently covered a part of the distance to your eternity, don’t you always retreat twice as far away from us, into the immense reaches filled only by your infinite being?
Behold, you come. Now it is still the one single hour of your Advent, at the end of which we too shall have found out that you have really come. O God who is to come, grant me the grace to live now, in the hour of your Advent, in such a way that I may merit to live in your forever, in the blissful hour of your eternity.
~ all quotes are from Karl Rahner (1904-1984), German Jesuit priest and theologian. Many of the ideas in this essay are also from him.
edited from the archives
Art credits: Eucharist relief; Catholic Eucharist; Protestant Eucharist; Eucharist tapestry; Eucharist in Prayer Book