Meet Elizabeth

Elizabeth Giger small  Welcome to Made Sacred!
Join me as I try to thoughtfully engage life and culture, this world around us, as a way of loving God and loving others. After all, God has made everything to be sacred, things in our daily lives and things in the world around us. He is changing my heart so that all that I do and all that I am is made sacred.
I began writing this blog to sort through all that God was teaching our family through the loss of my sister-in-law, Kristina. In August of 2011, my brother lost his wife, the mother of his then-one-year-old son, to breast cancer. It is a loss that still resonates throughout my writing.
While I do not solely write about this loss, about what God has taught our family through my sister-in-law’s battle with cancer and my brother’s battle with his loss, I firmly believe that part of why I write is to allow God to use me to make something beautiful out of this ugliness. Because He WILL make something beautiful out of this. He is always good and He is always love and He Who did not spare His own Son has promised to give us all good things. I simply have to trust that His good is the ultimate good, even if what He gives is not what my heart desires.
Beyond this blog, I have also written two books, one of which is being published in February! My prayer is that God will allow the other to be published someday. I have earned a Certificate of Spiritual Formation in a two-year program through Lincoln Christian University and Eastview Christian Church.
I am both writer and musician, who practices my writing craft weekly here at, and practices my musical craft at church and while teaching piano lessons. I earned undergraduate and master’s degrees in music education, and I hold a Certificate of Spiritual Formation from Lincoln Christian University. I also love the visual beauty of life, including photography and art, and enjoy weaving words with art here on my blog to create something new.
I am a wife to my logical, programmer husband, a homeschooling mother to four intense, warrior girls, and a Midwestern girl who loves the sight of golden fields stretching to the horizon. I neglect housework in favor of reading as many books as I can get my hands on and love to travel the world.
You can connect with me on Facebook as @MadeSacred, and on Instagram as @ElizabethGiger.
I’m so glad that you stopped by for a visit. I’d love to hear from you! You can email me at
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16 thoughts on “Meet Elizabeth

  1. Pingback: Receiving Grace with Grace

  2. Pingback: In My Library: “Beyond the Front Door” by Elizabeth Giger | harmonyofgrace

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