Her eyes begin to flood, her hands creep up to cover her open mouth, and her body caves in on itself, trying to hide from the world around her.
My eyes narrow, my hands clench into tight balls of anger, and my body tenses up as if ready for battle.
By this sixth meltdown of the day, occurring because we took a different route home from the game, my heart is weary and my patience is gone.
My voice is low but harsh as I demand that she stop fussing and quit crying, and I spit at her to just be quiet if she can’t be happy.
Hurt radiates from her eyes as her sobs get even louder. Guilt pierces my heart as I once again realize that I lost my temper because I didn’t want to deal with her. Hard truth: She was inconvenient to me.
I remember that she hasn’t had much sleep because her sister just moved into her bed to make room for Baby. I remember that she is struggling with a new sport and feels afraid of too many kids all crowded around the same object. I remember that she is only four and that if I sometimes have irrational meltdowns, perhaps she is allowed a few as well.
This feels like my moment-by-moment cycle: I forget, I am harsh to those I love, I remember, I am guilty.
I now speak harshly to myself, trying to will myself into perfection, into loving without fail. This always fails. I am not perfect and my will is not strong enough.
I am loved by One Who is pouring more than I could even imagine into the lives of my husband and children.
We are loved by One Who, before the world was even made, loved each one of us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault.
My strength is not sufficient to calm my temper.
My will is not sufficient for me to love my loved ones perfectly.
My fierce desire is not sufficient to force my little ones’ hearts into a state of loving God and each other.
His grace. This is sufficient.
I am struck with relief and gratitude, and so I sing.
He is good when there is nothing good in me.
He is love, when I am not, on display for all to see.
He is my hope because He has covered all my sin.
He is true even in my wandering.
I run to His arms and allow His power to be made perfect in my weakness. I trust all of our hearts to His love.
(song adapted from Forever Reign by Hillsong)