I love to travel. I love seeing new places and I love experiencing new things.
I grew up in the same town all of my life until I left for college. Once I left for college, though, I didn’t stay in the same place for more than a year or two before moving on.
I have never liked the idea of settling down. It seems boring, too safe.
The reality, though? It is not safe at all.
It is the staying, the investing, that is dangerous.
It is dangerous to stop in one place for a long time. Relationships have more of a chance to implode. Neighbors have a better idea of who you really are. Friends might reject you because they have more time to see deep inside of your heart.
I’d rather keep moving on.
I have tried to fool my own heart, convincing myself that my wanderlust is due to my love of excitement, due to my desire to not live life in safety.
That, however, is a lie. It is a lie that I have lived with for a long time.
It is because I love the safety of shallow, the security of anonymity, that I don’t remain in one place for long.
I’m learning. I’m learning how to be vulnerable and how to help hold others accountable. I’m learning what community, long term community, really looks like.
I’m learning how to stay.