
It is a waiting.
A breathless hope that is sometimes too fragile to look at straight on.
Will He come?
He came once before and has promised to come at the end.
But will He come now?
We don’t want to be disappointed and so we hide our deepest waiting with the waiting for other things.
Different kind of waiting
We wait for chaotic colors and shiny sounds.
We wait for hustling and bustling and we fill up our days with old and new memories to avoid peering hard into hearts.
We wait for silver bells and for sugar plums so that we don’t have to feel our desperate waiting for Him.
Bright paper packages
Will He come? Will He show up at this time and in this season?
In Advent is waiting and in Advent is coming and if we wait, will He come in a way that brings the peace and joy we crave?
Close your eyes.
Close your eyes
He is here.
He has come and He will come and He will continue to come for as long as we are here, which is for always and forever.
He gives breath to your hope and whispers into your waiting that He loves you and He delights in you.
It is a waiting.
A waiting that bears the fruit of His greatest gift of all.
His greatest gift
He has come.

Art credit: photos of Christmas color by R.K. Sewell Photography

2 thoughts on “Coming

  1. Beautiful!! I am going to read this throughout the month of December. Whenever the hustle and bustle becomes too much. I LOVE how you said ” Stop. Breathe. Close your eyes. Listen. He is here.” Thank you Elizabeth. And also, that picture at the top is PRECIOUS!!

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