Word Revealed and Revealing

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The Word is.
The Word is and the Word reveals what is.
God breathed the Word and life blazed out.
life blazing
Life exploded into being and revealed God to man.
The life of the heavens and the life of the earth revealed.
They revealed His invisible qualities to all who cared to look.
the heavens
the earth
It is the nature of words and the Word to reveal.
God sent the Word and new life blazed out.
The Word reveals
Jesus was the Word and He spoke the words that revealed God to man.
The Word revealed the heart of God far more than life ever could.
As the people received the Word, new life exploded into being.
They were formed by the Word.
The Word forms
The Word formed the people into new life, a new creation.
This new creation then spoke the same Word and new life again blazed out.
As we receive the Word, we are formed by the Word.
We are formed by the Word
We, too, become new life. We, too, then speak the same Word.
The revelation of the heart of God continues through the generations.
It is the nature of words and the Word to reveal.
The Word reveals what is.
The Word is.
The Word is

Art credits: space photos by NASA; Christ and the Samaritan Woman painting by Henryk Siemiradzki; The Road to Emmaus painting by Robert Zund; all other photos copyright Made Sacred 2017

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