I think I’ve just realized that I often tell God what to do.
Yeah, I know.
It is often cleverly disguised as a request, but I’m afraid that God easily sees through my pretense and knows that in my heart I am demanding.
“Please help my girls not to fight so much.”
“Please help me to get my body back into shape again.”
“Please heal Kristina, or Papa, or Stef, so that Your name will be glorified around the world.” (See how I added a carrot on that last one?)
Will you join me over at Embracing Grace (embracinggrace.net) to finish reading about what I am learning? I would love that a whole lot.
4 thoughts on “Advising God”
I think we do it because we are afraid God will not do what we want and are afraid of His Judgment that it would not be what we want, It is like registering our preference in a gift Shoppe. We just don’t trust His judgment in blessing us. It is so transparent. He knows our needs before we ask. How many true blessings do we miss because we are willing to settle for less than we are capable imagining as the solution to our problems. Live dangerously. Say, Lord I don’t know what to ask for, so I leave it in Thy hands. Take control!
Yes! It is much like C.S. Lewis said: “We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.”
Excellent post! I followed your link to read the rest of it. And I can relate so much to your C.S. Lewis quote. I so often write my own happy script because I don’t want to go through hard stuff! I am so afraid of it!
I think we do it because we are afraid God will not do what we want and are afraid of His Judgment that it would not be what we want, It is like registering our preference in a gift Shoppe. We just don’t trust His judgment in blessing us. It is so transparent. He knows our needs before we ask. How many true blessings do we miss because we are willing to settle for less than we are capable imagining as the solution to our problems. Live dangerously. Say, Lord I don’t know what to ask for, so I leave it in Thy hands. Take control!
Yes! It is much like C.S. Lewis said: “We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.”
Excellent post! I followed your link to read the rest of it. And I can relate so much to your C.S. Lewis quote. I so often write my own happy script because I don’t want to go through hard stuff! I am so afraid of it!
It is a bit pathetic how much I love my own comfort! It’s a good thing that God won’t let me get too comfortable most times.