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Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God.
What are you clutching in white-knuckled fists?
Blessed are you who hold your possessions loosely, knowing that they are a gift to be stewarded rather than a treasure to be hoarded.
What fear keeps you awake at night?
Blessed are you who are grateful for each year you grow older, knowing that old age deepens beauty and wisdom rather than bringing a loss of beauty or worth.
Which loss are you afraid would bring you to your knees?
Blessed are you who allow your beloveds the freedom to belong to God, knowing that He will care for them far better than you ever could.
Possessions, youth, loved ones. Some of you have already lost these things. All of us will eventually.
What will you do when your arms grow weary, when your hands lose their grip and these things you hold so dear are gone?
We are all already poor, whether we understand this or not.
If clutching what you love is not the way to possess it forever, what should you do instead?
Open your hands. Relax your grip.
Surrender it to God.
Whatever it is, whomever it is, surrender it to God.
Acknowledge what is already true, that you are poor. Acknowledge the reality that you are in possession of nothing.
When you surrender that which does not truly belong to you, God gives to you in return the most precious gift of all.
He gives you the gift of Himself, of His presence in that place where God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God.
Art Credit: Christ and Samaritan Woman by Siemiradzki